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Welcome to My World
My name is Lucy Mercer. I’m a writer, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, in no particular order. Or maybe that is a particular order because words are always with me, a phrase or sentence or paragraph continually working itself out in my brain’s endless stream of prose.
A Cook and Her Books is my space to share what I love to talk about: gardening and food, with a side of creativity and connection. Follow me here and on Facebook and Instagram for posts about what’s growing, what’s cooking and what’s going on.
Colcannon Recipe for St. Patrick’s Day
This colcannon recipe originally appeared on my blog in March 2011. Oh, what with shaking imaginary shillelaghs and adding O’s to everyone’s surname, it’s impossible…
Winter Sowing Seeds
There’s an old-fashioned seed-starting technique that’s getting a lot of attention and I decided to try my hand at it last year. It’s called winter…
Weekend in Greenville, SC
Greenville, SC, is just a few hours’ drive from Atlanta and perfect for a weekend getaway. Especially when the getaway involves gathering with fellow gardening…