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Welcome to My World
My name is Lucy Mercer. I’m a writer, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, in no particular order. Or maybe that is a particular order because words are always with me, a phrase or sentence or paragraph continually working itself out in my brain’s endless stream of prose.
A Cook and Her Books is my space to share what I love to talk about: gardening and food, with a side of creativity and connection. Follow me here and on Facebook and Instagram for posts about what’s growing, what’s cooking and what’s going on.
Tomato Sandwich for Breakfast
It’s a time-honored rite for gardeners and foodies — standing over your kitchen sink in the dog days of summer, chowing down on a drippy,…
Ukrainian Sandwich Recipe
Food is the easiest way to learn about a culture and that’s how this delicious sandwich recipe came my way. I first wrote about the…
Growing Nasturtiums in my Garden
I remember growing nasturtiums in my mom’s garden when we lived in South Carolina. I helped my mom plant the chunky seeds from the packet…