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Welcome to My World
My name is Lucy Mercer. I’m a writer, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, in no particular order. Or maybe that is a particular order because words are always with me, a phrase or sentence or paragraph continually working itself out in my brain’s endless stream of prose.
A Cook and Her Books is my space to share what I love to talk about: gardening and food, with a side of creativity and connection. Follow me here and on Facebook and Instagram for posts about what’s growing, what’s cooking and what’s going on.
Look for These Plants When You Walk in the Woods
This article first appeared in my local newspaper’s Master Gardener column in November 2024. A walk in the woods is a popular activity in our…
Continue Reading Look for These Plants When You Walk in the Woods
Adopt-A-Flower in Juneau, Alaska
Just want to share a story that is very special to my heart. It’s a feature published in the December 2024 issue of Greenhouse Management…
Macadamia Nut and Currant Cookie Recipe
This is my new favorite cookie recipe ~ Macadamia and Currant Cookies. I think of these cookies as Garden Tour Cookies. In Grand Rapids, Mich.,…