I think most people have that moment in the holiday season when it starts to feel like Christmas. For me, it’s when I bring a poinsettia home from the garden center. And if I’m being honest, it’s hard to stop at just one of the beautiful plants.
I’ve loved poinsettias since I was little, but keeping them around is more poignant now that my mom has passed. Mom worked for Ann’s Florist, a sweet flower shop in my town, for many years. Each year, on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, she would send a basket of florist poinsettias to my house. Sometimes with balloons attached, sometimes with a teddy bear for my daughter, but always beautiful poinsettias.
That memory is just part of the reason why I get excited when I get to visit growers like Rambo Nursery in Cedartown, Georgia. Rambo Nursery is an exclusive grower for The Home Depot and these gorgeous blooms will be shipped to stores in north Georgia, north Alabama and Tennessee.
Visit to Rambo Nursery in Cedartown, Georgia
Following are pics from my morning at Rambo Nursery.

The more I learn about how poinsettias grow, the more I understand they’re a bit of a miracle. These vibrantly-colored plants start out as sticks poked in potting mix and within a few months in very controlled light and humidity, they grow into spectacular blooms.

Poinsettia Bracts and Blooms
Here’s a botany lesson for you: the “blooms” are really bracts, a kind of leaf. The flower is the tiny yellow bud in the center. Look closely at the flower and you’ll see that it looks like a baby fish opening its mouth. That’s when the grower knows the plant is ready to ship to stores.

When you’re shopping for poinsettias, look for full bracts and a pretty, rounded shape.

How to Water Poinsettias
When you bring poinsettias into your home, it’s important not to overwater. Keep them away from drafts and direct sun. When the soil feels dry to the touch, gently water and let the pot thoroughly drain. You’ll probably only water about once a week. You can use ice cubes, too. They melt quickly and keep your plants out of your sink. Use 5 ice cubes for a 5-inch pot, 7 ice cubes for a 7-inch pot, and so on.

Poinsettias and pothos are a perfect holiday combination. The red and green look festive through the season, and at the conclusion, you have at least one plant to keep.

Look for beautiful poinsettias in your local garden Center. If this is a Barbiecore Christmas for you, look for “Princettia” pink poinsettias. The color is stunning, with or without the Barbie theme.
Read More Gardening Stories
If you’re in the Atlanta area, there are a couple organizations that are valuable for meeting fellow gardeners and learning more about plants. Read about Georgia Perennial Plant Association and American Hydrangea Society and consider becoming members.
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