GardenComm, the professional association for garden communicators, will bring its professional education and networking opportunities to a virtual conference October 18-20, 2023.
If you’re looking to build your platform or sharpen your content creation skills in the gardening realm, GardenComm is a great place to start.
I attended the in-person event in August, and presented on “The Garden Content Editor’s Tool Kit.” My presentation, along with others from the event, will be part of the virtual conference.
Here are the highlights of the virtual conference experience:
-Access to 23+ educational sessions and events
-9 On-Demand educational sessions
-7 live educational sessions from Minneapolis presenters with Q&A
-7 NEW live educational sessions
-Bonus Session – National Garden Bureau’s New Varieties for 2024
-Pitch the Editors with the top green industry editors and garden publishers
-GardenComm Story Slam
-Virtual After-Party and 75th Anniversary Celebration
Just a note on Pitch the Editors ~ I participated as an editor in 2022 and it was a blast. Like speed dating for writers (or garden nerds). Writers have gotten book contracts out of Pitch the Editors, and other content creation work. It can be a bit scary to speed pitch your story ideas, but it’s ultimately a lot of fun and great experience.
Register for GardenComm Virtual Conference

All-Access pass starts at $149 for members, and $179 for non-members with access to session replays through 3/31/24.
All paid registered attendees from the annual conference receive FREE access to the virtual conference. learn more about the GardenComm Virtual Conference.
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Join A Cook and Her Books on Instagram to talk about gardening and all good things from the kitchen and garden. Facebook is family, too. Would love to hear from you.
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